Monday, February 14, 2011

Our Valentine

This was taken with Dan's cell phone so it's a little blurry, but how cute is this kid?!?

Today Piper has a Valentine's Day party at daycare. Unfortunately she's a little under the weather with a slight touch of a cold, but I still think she'll manage to have a pretty fun time :)

As some of you already know, at our pediatrician's appointment on Friday we were told that Piper's dry/rashy skin is eczema. It may or may not be something that she outgrows, it may or may not come with other issues like allergies. But as of now it can be managed, though not cured.

So... we're left with some unique challenges around caring for her very delicate and sensitive skin. Nothing we can't handle. We use a topical prescription medication, along with lots of very greasy lotion to be applied to her entire body at least 4 times per day. We've added a humidifier in her room. And soap has become our arch enemy - no soap, EVER.

Given that we lather her up with tub Eucerin or Aquafor as fast as her skin can soak it up, we now call her our little Grease Monkey. Naturally we also sing a modified version of Grease Lightening to her, replacing 'lightening' with - you got it! - monkey. Don't worry - we also make sure to hold her very, very tight. You almost can't imagine how slippery she becomes.

1 comment:

  1. Why, of course she's just the cutest little girl. After all, she's my granddaughter!
    Love from Grandma Susie
