Monday, February 28, 2011

Any old couch'll do

This morning at daycare Connie told me that Piper often gets herself wedged behind her sofa, too. No matter what way you point her, she just shimmies her way backward until she's stuck.

Poor kidlet!!! I wish we could help her figure this out, but if I try to position her to crawl she just ends up lifting both arms and legs into the air so that if you put her back down, it'd be flat on her face :(


  1. When I worked in day care, it was amazing how crabby the kids who were just on the verge of learning some new skill got. They were driven to figure it out, but they just weren't figuring it out fast enough, so they couldn't think about anything else. Mostly it means that she's close. So hide your valuables. You're about to have a crawler in the house.
