Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bath time for baby :)

So Piper's favorite part of the day - by far- is bath time. She loves water, which is no surprise given that both her parents do too. She's absolutely joyful in the tub - splashing, shrieking, playing, grabbing, climbing! Occasionally she even goes under (not intentionally), but when that happens she just rubs the water out of her eyes and shakes it off (with a little help and encouragement from mom and dad). It's great to see her being so fearless. I could be looking ahead too far or reading too much into it, but to me it foretells a lifetime of a wonderful relationship with water. And I believe water can be a hugely therapeutic and nurturing force, so I'm excited to think that Piper might be able to appreciate its benefits.

One of her favorite activities in the tub is checking in on the baby in the 'mirror' over the drain. Sometimes she crawls up so close to it that she even bonks her nose! She loves to lick the reflective circle and stare directly at her eyes. It's really quite funny, and precious. And hey, who can blame her? When you're that good looking...

Of course, she also loves to gaze at herself in the bathroom mirror after she's all dried off :)

One of the many great qualities Piper has is her ability to find wonder and excitement in almost anything. So most activities throughout a given day make her list of favorites. My point is, Piper can love just about anything. But it's a real pleasure to watch her in the bath. It can change your entire mood or mindset. You can't stay grumpy or tired or apathetic about life when you're in the presence of someone living it so fully.

1 comment:

  1. These are great photos! You must have a professional in your family!

    Having witnessed numerous bath times with Piper, I concur with how comforting and joy-filled I become when with her at bath time.

    Piper, you and I will have lots of fun swimming this summer - that is if we ever get over winter.

    Happy May Day,
    Love from Grandma Susie
