Monday, March 28, 2011

Leaps and bounds

And as if being on the cusp of crawling isn't accomplishment enough... we forgot to mention that Piper can also clap her hands now. Not yet on demand, hence no video. This morning when I went in to get Piper ready for daycare, she was sound asleep. Usually, since she goes to bed at 6pm, she wakes up at just the right time for daycare so luckily we haven't had to wake her often. But this weekend she did get a little bit off her sleep schedule. And we think she was wiped out from all her efforts at forward movement!


  1. Dear Piper,
    It was so fun to watch you really get on top of your crawling last Thursday.
    You were going like gangbusters!!! I'm so proud of you. Just think of all the accomplishments you have achieved in the last few weeks - sitting up, crawling, eating big people's food, drinking from a cup, knowing how to use a straw, and giggle at Hero!!! Yes, he is pretty funny.
    Many hugs and kisses. I love you.
    Grandma Susie
