Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Piper, Meet Santa: Take Two

You may remember last year's annual daycare Christmas party. This year, Santa was not such a hit with Piper.

In fact, after the traditional sitting-on-the-lap ritual (or an attempt at it), she was pretty much unable to recover.

Toward the end of the event, she was basically just trying to make a break for it.

Ah, well, there's always next year! Thanks for trying, Santa Claus!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Signature style

Whether it's diaper, winter, or salad bowl, hats seem to be Piper's signature style :)


Piper got to experience her first snowfall the weekend before Thanksgiving. OK, there was a lot of snow last winter, but Piper wasn't old enough to really experience it. Now that she's a toddler, she can walk in the snow, touch it, and see how the world looks and feels different under a blanket of white.

So far, she's not impressed.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Tonight Piper decided it was as good a time as any to refuse to remove her winter hat.

Can you tell who's winning the power struggles at our house?

All things Piper

A friend recently suggested that - because Piper dislikes transition - we take a photo of each of her daily activities so that we can show her, ahead of time, what's about to happen next. This has resulted in a rather fun review of Piper's typical day.

She might, for instance, go on a car ride.

She might go with her mom to Starbucks.

She might stroll through her neighborhood.

She might go to the park.

She might have dinner.

She might take a bath. Goofball!

She might chill in her monkey beanbag.

She might read a story and drink some milk.

She might also go to bed, but we find that with that one a sneak attack with little to no warning tends to work best :)

Monday, October 31, 2011


It was a big day for Piper. She had her first outing as a full fledged trick-or-treater. We only visited a couple neighboring houses, but she ended up with a decent haul.

Grandma and Grandpa brought over a jack-o-lantern pizza to mark the special day.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have to add a little bit from the Mommy side of things, and that is to say I love this kid's moxie! She's adaptable, and eventually she rolls with the punches. But I admire the fact that at first, she wasn't willing to just roll over and play dead. She fought for her bottle. She lost, and it makes me sad that in some ways I'm so happy to have crushed her will (for nutritional considerations only!!!!!). I hope Piper has many more 'strikes' in her future, just to remind us that she's her own person and she won't be so easily corralled!


Of the many things Piper has learned from Hero, Fetch is her new favorite. She delivers her ball to us, goes running away, squeals as soon as the ball is thrown, and gleefully brings it back to start the game over again.

For Piper and for us, it never gets old.

The hunger strike has ended

Piper has been a strict vegetarian for over two months. For some reason, one day, she decided she wouldn't eat any meat. And she never looked back. If a meat product found its way onto her tray, she batted it onto the floor in a flurry of angry tears! (This delighted Hero, of course.) If a pinhead-sized piece of meat were snuck into her cheese and actually got into her mouth, everything was spit out and an impatient tongue was stuck out with the offending meat bit on its center, waiting for Dad to remove it. No more cheese would be consumed that day. Despite these tantrums, we have continued to offer her meat almost every day during this period, as all the literature indicates that meat provides vital nutrients for a baby's development and even true vegetarians ought not to start their babies out without meat. But because her weight continues to be solid, the pediatrician has assured us that this will soon pass and all will be fine. We can't help but worry, though.

Well, on Sunday evening we went to our friends Angie and Jake's house to visit them and their lovely daughter Eva. Perhaps she was performing for an audience, but when a few bites of chicken were placed onto Piper's tray, she ate them! When a few more bites were put on her tray, she ate those, too! In the end, she ate a very respectable and balanced meal.

We asked if we could invite ourselves over to Angie and Jake's house everyday from now on, but, for some reason, they had scheduling conflicts.

Back home Monday evening, Piper resumed her vegetarian diet, refusing the chicken that Laura had lovingly prepared with renewed hope. On Tuesday, however, I warmed up a few bites of the chicken, placed them on Piper's plate and was amazed when she ate them all. She then held her tray up for more! I couldn't heat up the chicken fast enough. When she had eaten half of a large chicken breast, I cut her off, but rewarded her with her favorite food group: fruit. Tonight, she finished the other half of the chicken breast and even had a few bites of chicken sausage.

Whether this renewed boldness will continue, I can't say. But we're headed in a great direction!

In a related note, our pediatrician said we need to stop giving Piper her milk in a bottle and switch to a sippy cup at age 12 months. We, of course, followed these instructions to the letter. But, while Piper will happily drink water or juice from a sippy cup, if she discovers there is milk in that same cup, she gets furious and refuses to even look at it! We have had many failed attempts at this. Given her abstinence from meat, we didn't want her to go without milk, too. So we have caved in and poured her milk into a bottle. At her checkup last week, the doctor again insisted we need to switch her to a sippy cup, that it will only get harder the longer we wait. Saturday evening, we made the switch. Piper responded as expected: pushing the cup away, screaming, crying, kicking her legs. She went to bed without milk that night. Sunday morning: same routine. Sunday evening: no change.

Tuesday night, I settled into the rocking chair with a cup of milk and Piper. She had not had milk since Saturday morning. Once again, she pushed the cup away as soon as she saw it, and she squirmed off my lap in tears as quickly as she could. We tried reading books to distract her, to no result. I set her cup down on the changing table and moved on to other things. After a couple read-throughs of her current favorite, Once Upon a Potty (a potty training book for boys, incidentally), Piper walked over to the table, picked up the cup, and started drinking it. I tried to pick her up and snuggle with her, to reduce the inevitable spilling. This only resulted in a tantrum. So long as I let her do her own thing, she happily sipped at her milk. Eventually, we settled into her monkey beanbag to read stories while she finished her milk.

Tonight, she happily ran around the living room and enjoyed her milk. If either of us tries to sit still with her and hold the cup, the game is off and she gets very upset. So we have to let her hold the cup herself. This is a little frustrating to those of us who tell time, of course, because it takes her three times as long to finish her milk while running around the house, and delays her bed time. But at least she's getting the milk she needs!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ring Around the Rosie

Piper has recently learned to spin on her feet. When she was littler, she would spin while sitting on the floor, to everyone's delight. Now it happens standing up. We sing Ring Around the Rosie and Piper starts spinning around. Eventually she plops down on the floor with a big grin. The plopping may or may not coincide with "We all fall DOWN," so the lyrics do get abbreviated, depending on the whim of the spinner.

Unfortunately, her favorite time to do this is right after finishing her bottle, as a diversion to postpone bedtime.

She's only thrown up once.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Backyard Playtime

We've had unseasonably warm weather here the last week, so we've gotten some good use of the backyard. Piper always has fun on her swing and loves riding down the slide with her mom.

It's always worth a giggle when Hero fetches his ball. Don't worry, Piper didn't actually go down the slide by herself, she just enjoys climbing onto the bottom of it, turning around, and climbing off. And then doing it again.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Again, Mommy

Don't worry, most of the time we're not actually watching videos, we're playing and reading books. Piper has a tendency to latch onto favorite books and want to read them over and over and over again. Plot doesn't tend to be the thing that catches her attention, she goes deeper than that. This particular book is a huge hit. It's called 123 and each page shows a number of animals or items, beginning with 1 egg and ending with 10 ladybugs. It's quite moving. But the part that certainly never gets old is that each time you set a book down, she gets up, picks the book up again, hands it to you, then turns herself around so that she can back into you to snuggle down for the 12th reading of the story. It just doesn't get better than that.

The Movietron

Today was Piper's first experience with the Movietron. We put in one of the Baby Einstein videos. Despite the 8 foot wide screen, she wanted to be up close so that she had to move her head from side to side to watch things move across the picture. It will certainly be fun when she is old enough for Disney movies and whatever else the kids will be watching then.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hoppin good fun

Mom knows all the best ways to make me laugh.
That's some good hopping. But Hero doesn't seem to appreciate the talent required.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


You may not know this about Piper, but lately she's become a very busy girl. Like, really busy. She can walk, (sort of) talk, sign, eat with a spoon and fork (kind of), and the list goes on and on. Each day she can do things she couldn't do the day before, so the world is a wonderful challenge for her right now. She's definitely moving full steam ahead. So, because of her speedy development, we get to delve into new territory a lot more quickly. For instance, today we did art.

These giant, bulbous crayons are called "Tadoodles" - especially made for little toddler hands :)

Piper is a natural.

Learning from a master of the craft.

The proud artist displays her work.

Then, once the creative expression portion of our day's itinerary was complete, we went to the park for some physical education. Piper had a good time there - she was a little bit hesitant but once she got used to the sand she did alright (although she certainly didn't like it).

There definitely was a lot to explore!

The slide was a pretty big hit.

Nothing like a good old-fashioned swing.

So there you have it - a fun-filled Sunday with lots of activity. This little one's gonna be tough to keep up with!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bad bloggers

Yikes, it's been a busy end to the summer! But we haven't abandoned the blog! As you probably know, August is a crazy time in our household.

So... this post is mostly a promise of more posts to come soon!

And to tide you over... a dose of irresistible cuteness.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hats :)

What Piper wants, Piper gets. And Piper wanted Daddy in a swim diaper hat, just like her :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day #6: At last

Dear Daddy,

I hope you liked it when we surprised you at the airport today - I sure was happy to see you, wasn't I? I had to wait 5 whole days for that hug. That's why I wouldn't let go.

It's great to have you home with us, where you belong :)
