Piper had her 6 month check up today. She's doing great. Here are her stats:
Head circumference: 16.5cm (30-40th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz (25th percentile)
Height: 25.5 inches (50th percentile)
She's officially been given the green light to start solids (such as they are for babies, more so pureed food than solid food, but the spoon is apparently KEY!), and the goal will be to get her up to 3 meals per day of solid foods, separate from the bottle. She can have bottles when she is hungry in between. At 8 months, we start the sippy cup. Big things to come!
As far as introducing solids, the current recommendation is to throw everything at the baby at once (whereas in the past they recommended starting only 1 new food each week or so to make sure there isn't an allergy). Dr. P warned us against determining too early that she 'likes' or 'doesn't like' certain foods. He said often what is off putting initially is the newness of the flavor, not the flavor itself. So we can't deem her a picky eater until we've allowed her to try each food many times over and spit it out just as often ;)
She has a little cold right now, so she was not so receptive to Dr. P nor the male nurse who did her vaccinations. She got 3 pokes today, and screamed at the top of her little lungs. (Of course, in true Piper fashion, before the hypodermics had even reached the bioharzardous waste container, her tears were dry.)
A good report, and lots to look forward to! We'll keep you all posted on her culinary preferences as we experiment!
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