Tuesday, August 28, 2012

2 Year Stats

Piper had her 2 year check up today.  Yes, yes, we know: she turned 2 a couple months ago.  But there weren't any vaccinations so there really wasn't a neeeed to do her checkup right when she turned 2.  As we already knew, Piper is doing just fine.  She is "very articulate" and is way ahead of the two-word sentences that are appropriate for her age.  In fact, she currently bosses us around with sentences up to seven words in length!

She weighs 28 pounds (59th percentile) and is 35 inches tall (73rd percentile).

On the negative side, it's time to give up the pacifier.  This will be a sad, sad day.  Whenever we get up the guts to do it, that is.  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer Jersey Style

 Long overdue, some photos from our trip to the Jersey shore and time with my family.  It was a fantastic part of our summer.